Did you have a go at making a Scribble Monster or two after Monday’s post? (It’s here if you missed it.) If you did, you may, like me, have found it strangely addictive, and ended up with a whole bunch of monsters…
I’m now surrounded by Scribble Monsters. Which got me thinking about creating a story about them. Why don’t you have a go? And don’t forget: I’d love to see anything you do – you can email it to petarainford@gmail.com, post it on my Peta Rainford’s Facebook page @dogpigeon, or Tweet me @PetaRainford
12: Create a story about Scribble Monsters (and you don’t have to write a word, unless you want to!)
There are lots of different ways of creating a story:
- Tell it! Talk about the characters and the adventures they might have ( you could video or record the story, if you like)
- Draw it! As soon as you draw in a background behind the Scribble Monsters, you start telling a story about where they live and what they are doing. Or you can create a more detailed narrative, by creating a cartoon strip
- Write it! Writing could be anything from single words – labelling a drawing, for example – to speech bubbles in a cartoon, or the more flowing narrative of a ‘traditional’ written story
Whichever way you decide to create your story, you might like to think about the following:
- What are the monsters called?
- What relationship do the monsters have to each other? Are they friends? Enemies? Strangers? Members of the same family? Or something else?
- Are they goodies or baddies?
- Where do they live? Maybe they live on a mysterious planet, with a mysterious name. Maybe they live in the fluff under your sofa. Maybe they live next door to you…
- What language do they speak?
- What adventure will they go on?
These are just some broad-brush ideas for creating a story. I will look at some of them in more detail in future posts. Have fun with your story making – and do please feel free to share your creations with me.